


Unsolicited information sent to the firm or any member of the firm by any means by persons who are not clients of the firm is not subject to any duty of confidentiality on the part of the firm. You should not send any confidential information to us until such a relationship has been formed.

Time sensitive material should not be sent to the firm without verifying receipt by the intended recipient.


The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise.

A description or indication of limitation of practice does not mean that any agency or board has certified such lawyer as a specialist or expert in an indicated field of law practice, nor does it mean that such lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than any other lawyer.

Memberships and offices in legal fraternities and legal societies, technical and professional licenses, and memberships in scientific, technical, and professional associations and societies of law or field of practice, does not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert in a field of law, nor does it mean that such lawyer is necessarily more expert or competent than any other lawyer.

All potential clients are urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any lawyer being considered.

This notice is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

When viewing the web-site, be mindful of the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere. 


By accessing the web-site of Harrison & Dietz-Kilen, P.L.C. you are requesting information. The information you are requesting is not legal advice, advertising, or solicitation. Legal advice is only to be given after an attorney-client relationship has been established and pertinent information about your unique circumstances has been obtained. Transmission of and your accessing the materials on the web-site do not constitute legal advice, do not establish an attorney-client relationship, and do not create any duty of the firm to any reader.

A new attorney-client relationship with the firm is to be established only by an engagement letter signed by a firm attorney.


An attorney-client relationship with any of the firm's attorneys represents an attorney-client relationship with the firm and all of its attorneys.

Such a relationship is not to be established without first completing an internal review for conflicts of interest that might preclude such a relationship. Until an attorney-client relationship is established, information communicated to the firm should be limited to the accurate identification of the potential client and all related and opposing parties pertinent to the subject matter.

To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS in Circular 230, we inform you that, unless we expressly state otherwise in this communication (including any attachments), any tax advice contained in this communication is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or other matter addressed herein.


Communications to anyone in the firm of information about yourself, your business, or your personal affairs will not be protected under the attorney-client privilege unless and until an attorney-client relationship has been established.

In any event, use of the Internet or e-mail to communicate unencrypted information is not recommended if there is anything confidential about the information. Caution should also be exercised in communicating confidential information by cell phone. Unauthorized personnel may intercept unencrypted and cell phone communications. Within the firm, we make a good faith effort to restrict access to non-public personal information to those employees who need to know the information in order to provide services.